Working Papers

“Revealed Preference for Green Stocks: An Asset Demand Approach” - May 2024
Winner of the Best Student Paper Award of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Midwest Econometrics Group, 2023

“Exchange Rate Supervised Topic Extraction” - May 2024
Winner of the Hiran C. Haney Fellowship Award in Economics, University of Pennsylvania, 2022

“Order Flow and Market Making in Exchange Rates: Costa Rica’s Monex Market” (with César Ulate Sancho) - August 2024

Work in Progress
“On the Wisdom of Crowds (of Economists)” (with Francis X. Diebold and Minchul Shin)
Published Papers

“On Robust Inference in Time Series Regression” (2025) (with Richard T. Baillie, Francis X. Diebold, George Kapetanios and Kun Ho Kim) The Econometrics Journal, 28, forthcoming

“Information rigidities and rationality on inflation expectations of Costa Rican agents” (2020) (with Alonso Alfaro Ureña) in Inflation Expectations, Their Measurement and the Estimate of Their Degree of Anchoring edited by A. Guarín, L. Melo and E. González, Center for Latin American Monetary Studies (CEMLA)’s Joint Research Program